Tuesday, July 1, 2014

16 weeks

Week: 16

Baby is the size of: an avocado!

Symptoms: more energy (yay!), headaches, a growing belly :)...can't complain there!

Last heard the HB: this morning

Emotionally: I am struggling a little bit with feeling like going away from the "security" of my OBGYN might put my baby at risk and I automatically assume my situation is 'worst case scenario', which I'm working on letting go of.  I am feeling a good amount of anxiety about actually carrying this baby to term, now that I'm in second trimester, I'm terrified of a later pregnancy loss.  I'm also terrified of labor, but have requested a transfer of care to a midwife and have signed up for natural childbirth classes, so I'm hoping that calms those fears.  I need to start working on visualization and relaxation.

Plans:  there's a ton of baby stuff in our house - holy wow!!!!  Yesterday we bought an ergo carrier - our first "big" purchase even though it was used (but practically brand new) it was $80 for the carrier and infant insert (insert was still brand new, in the box - score!!).  And last weekend I went to a rotary auction and church rummage sale and bought a TON of baby clothes, blankets, towels, bottles, etc.  It's crazy!!

Positive note: I've been feeling extreme gratitude to just be where I am right now.  It's a conflicting feeling with my bouts of anxiety surrounding the "what ifs" of birth.  Last night I had a root beer, and I allowed myself to enjoy it even though all I could think about was that article I read forever ago that anise is dangerous to unborn babies.  Calm down, nerves, I'm sure the baby is just fine :).  Here we are at 16w2d:

your baby at 16 weeks
  • She's listening to your voice, thanks to tiny bones forming in her ears.
  • She's growing hair, lashes and eyebrows.
  • And she's forming taste buds.

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