Tuesday, August 26, 2014

17 - 24 week catch-up!

YIKES!!!  Can majorly slacking on the blog up-keep be a pregnancy symptom?  I'm going to vote yes.  A lot has happened between week 16 and now!  Here's the nitty gritty:

Symptoms: everything ranging from sore hips, difficulty sleeping (pregnancy insomnia), vivid dreams, nesting and a much bigger belly (you'll see).

Emotionally: I'm doing pretty well. I still have panic attack moments, like when we announced on FB.  There's something I just don't like about broadcasting something so personal on such a public forum.  But, it was time, and I'm not sad I did it.  Our baby will be here soon enough and I don't plan to close my FB account, so I might as well announce the change in our life coming December!  But occasionally, I still contend with fears that are common for PgAL mommas.

Positive note: Time feels like it has been flying by!  We've got the nursery started and lots of things crossed off our to-do list.  I love, love, love nesting and have been taking advantage of it to tackle some organization and improvement projects around the house before baby Carlson is here!  

Without further delay, here are the belly shots to bring us up-to-date.  Keep scrolling down for the BIG NEWS - is baby Carlson a boy or girl?

17 weeks:

18 weeks:

 19 weeks:

IT'S A BOY!!!!!

20 weeks (1/2 way there!!):

21 weeks (babymoon/anniversary celebration to Crystal Mountain):

 22 weeks:

23 weeks:

 24 weeks:

And since I was wearing the same outfit at 24 weeks as I was in week 14, I did a fun side-by-side bump comparison:

See what I mean?  A LOT has been going down at the Carlson household in preparation for our little man.  We're so excited to be having a healthy little boy.  Blessed beyond belief!  We've been going to birthing classes 1x a week which has been really fun.  It's been great to get to know some other couples who are also expecting around the same time as us.  I hope some new friendships and connections develop out of the time we spend together.  Life has been good.  Achy hips and all.

Here's our fun FB announcement:

New roles indeed!  Bring it on!

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