Monday, June 9, 2014

13 weeks

I tend to be a perfectionist and want to research/plan everything to a T so that it's perfect from the beginning before I even get started on things, but you know what?  I don't have time for that luxury right now and time is ticking away as I progress in my pregnancy.  So, I'm just going to dive right in and start logging the details of our first little Carlson love, who is due December 10th!

Week: 13

Baby is the size of: a peach!

Symptoms: not a whole lot to report here - occasionally I'm really tired and worn out but that's usually on the weekends.  During the week I feel like I have the energy I need to get me through work and home life pretty well.  

Last heard the HB: on Sunday morning with my fetal doppler - it got up to 162bpm.  Best sound in the world.  I could listen all day long, but don't like to keep the doppler on him or her for longer than just a few seconds to let the doppler register the hb accurately (this takes about 15-20 seconds after finding it, which can take about a minute).

Emotionally: doing okay.  Telling work this week was both exciting and terrifying.  I do not like attention and it's difficult for me to jump aboard the "certainty train".  For example, everyone has been saying "oh, yay, a Christmas baby!!", and in my head I keep saying "well, maybe...if everything goes well, yes".  It's part of being PgAL, I suppose.  I'm working on giving myself grace and focusing on starting the bonding process with this little one, who is already so precious to us.

Plans:  we started garage sale shopping!  Even though we didn't buy anything this week, it's fun to get into the habit of doing this with S so that we can be on the same page about 'stuff' we want for when the baby comes.  We discussed nursery themes/ideas, and decided on a blue and yellow themed nursery in what is currently our office.

Positive note:  I am starting to show!  I took this photo to share with my PgAL board at 13w2d:

your baby at 13 weeks
  • Can you believe she's forming vocal cords and teeth?!
  • And even though she's still teeny, she already has fingerprints.
  • Her intestines are moving from the umbilical cord to their more permanent place, in her tummy.